ई-समीक्षा पोर्टल क्या है?

Information related to E Samiksha Portal (About E Samiksha Portal)

The Central Government has also launched many portals along with various schemes for the development of the countryThe main objective of implementing all these portals is to provide benefits to the people through correct information. In this sequence, the Modi government at the Centerhad launched the e-review portal in the year 2014. Through this portal, information can be obtained at any time about the specific tasks of the Central Government departments and the progress of those tasks at the scheduled time. What is e-review portal (esamiksha.gov.in)? We are telling you about this in detail on this page.

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What is E Samiksha Portal (E Samiksha Portal Kya Hai)

E-Review is an online monitoring program. With this platform, the government can get information about real-time movement of files within a department and between different departments. If there is a delay in clearing the file by any officer, the government can directly intervene. It has been prepared by the Cabinet Secretariat with the technical support of National Informatics Center i.e. NIC. With the introduction of e-review, the employees working in the departments have lost their attraction towards work.

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How E-Samiksha Portal works (How To Work E Samiksha Portal)

For example, suppose the file of a big infrastructure project is being held by a Joint Secretary, and this project is on the priority of the PMO. With the help of e-review, the Prime Minister can intervene digitally and can ask him the reason for the delay. If the PM intervenes in the matter, it will appear as a red mark on the officer’s computer screen. Red light will also appear on the screen due to the intervention of the Cabinet Secretary. If department secretaries or chief secretaries of state governments intervene, lights of other colors will appear on the computer screen.

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Alerts come before warnings in e-review. In this, as soon as any work is assigned to any department, all the officers responsible for it and their top bosses receive email alerts. A unique number is generated for each task. With the help of this number, the progress of a project can be tracked digitally, and the movement of every electronic file can be tracked on the computer.

In e-Review, the boss can get information about the movement of the file with just one click. It also tells about the efficiency of the employees with the project monitoring system . So far, more than 400 initiatives, projects and action points are being tracked through e-Samiksha.

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Benefit of E Samiksha Portal

  • Increase in employee efficiency
  • transparency in any work
  • Increase in work responsibility among employees
  • Communication skills among employees will improve
  • The project will continue to move ahead without any hindrance.
  • If work is stopped at any level or file is stopped, the concerned officer will have to answer.

Here we told about e-review portal. If you have any question in your mind related to this information, you can ask through the comment box.

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