ICJ (अंतर्राष्ट्रीय न्यायालय) क्या है?

Information about ICJ (International Court of Justice)

There are many countries in the world, each country makes laws according to its civilization, culture and needs, so that disputes can be resolved. All these laws are valid only within the borders of the country . If there is a dispute on any issue between two or more countries, then the International Court of Justice has been formed to resolve it. In case of dispute, a petition is filed by one country against the other country. Which is heard by the judges of the International Court and the decision is given on the basis of majority. Both countries cannot go against this decision. On this page, what is ICJ (International Court), its rights and functions are being explained.

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What is International Court?

The institution which provides decisions to resolve disputes between countries is called International Court. The International Court of Justice is the principal judicial part of the United Nations. It is one of the five major parts of the United Nations. It was established on 18 April 1946. There are 15 judges in the International Court, who belong to different countries. Two judges cannot be appointed from the same country. Dalveer Bhandari is here as the Indian judge.

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Powers of International Court

The International Court has the right to make rules as per its own. It formulates its rules according to the Rules of International Court of Justice, 1978, as amended on 29 September 2005. All members of the United Nations come under its jurisdiction, apart from this, other countries can also apply for justice here.

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The main function of the International Court is to resolve the disputes between two countries according to international law. It hears the parties and gives its decision on their legal disputes. It also gives its advice according to the units of the United Nations. The headquarters of the International Court of Justice is in the Peace Palace in The Hague, Netherlands.


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Here we have provided information about what is ICJ (International Court), rights, work, if any kind of question is coming in your mind related to this information, or you want to get any other information related to it, then You can ask through the comment box, we are waiting for your feedback and suggestions.

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